Sebuah ledakan yang disinyalir bom terjadi di Hotel Mariott dan Ritz Carlton sekitar pukul 08.00 lalu. Kabar mengenai ledakan di lingkar Mega Kuningan yang mengguncang Hotel JW. Marriot dan Ritz Carlton pun langsung merebak di internet. Memang kabar tentang terjadinya ledakan di Hotel Ritz Carlton ini sungguh mengejutkan. Ledakan yang terjadi dua kali sekitar pukul 07.40 WIB tersebut menghancurkan lantai II hotel sehingga menyebabkan kaca-kaca hancur lebur dan berjatuhan.
Dari ledakan ini Sekitar 29 orang korban dilarikan kerumah sakit MMC Jakarta. Sampai berita ini diturunkan, belum pasti berapa korban yang tewas dalam peristiwa ledakan tersebut. Sekadar informasi, hotel Ritz Carlton adalah hotel yang nantinya akan ditempati oleh tim Manchester United dalam turnya melawan tim All Star Indonesia pada 20 Juli 2009 mendatang. Belum diketahui pasti apakah akibat ledakan ini, kedatangan pemain-pemain MU ke Indonesia akan batal.
Ledakan bom di Hotel Ritz Carlton, Mega Kuningan Jakarta Selatan ternyata terjadi dua kali. Ledakan pertama sangat keras sedangkan yang kedua lebih kecil. “Tadi terdengar dua kali, selang hanya sekitar satu menit. Keras sekali. Sekitar pukul 07.40 WIB” ujar seorang saksi mata, Indra Setyawan kepada detikcom, kamis (17/7/2009).
Jenis bom yang meledak di Hotel Ritz Carlton pada pukul 07.55 tadi diduga merupakan bom bunuh diri atau kamikaze. Hal itu diungkapkan sumber wartawan di kepolisian yang saat ini berada di tempat kejadian perkara.
Petugas, kata dia, menemukan satu kepala lelaki tanpa badan di lokasi ledakan Ritz Carlton. “Kepalanya masih ada di lokasi,” ujarnya. Namun saat ditanya mengenai jaringan mana yang bertanggung jawab atas insiden itu, dia belum dapat memastikannya. “Belum diketahui pelakunya,” kata dia.
Sementara itu, pada pukul 09.10 tadi seorang warga Kanada yang menjadi korban ledakan masuk ke Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina setelah dirawat di Rumah Sakit Jakarta. Saat ini, karyawan restoran di Ritz Carlton itu telah pindah dipindahkan ke instalasi luka bakar RSPP.
by rismaka
Senin, 20 Juli 2009
Senin, 13 Juli 2009
Keunikan dan kearifan masyarakat miskin untuk mensiasati kehidupan mereka pada kawasan tempat tinggal mereka yang penuh dengan keterbatasan, dipastikan ada banyak hal yang dipelajari, maka 3 institusi pendidikan tinggi mengadakan kerja kolaborasi yaitu Univesitas Gajah Mada, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana Yogyakarta dan Australian National University Canberra.
Ketiga institusi ini mengadakan Kegiatan Yogyakarta Field School atau YKFS, dimana dibagi menjadi 3 bagian, dan siang ini hingga malam nanti berlangsung International conference dan kampung festival yang bertempat di Kampung Samirono, Yogyakarta.
Acara yang diikuti mahasiswa dan dosen dari jurusan anthropologi dan arsitektur ini mencoba memahami secara positif kehidupan masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah di tengah kota dengan segala fasilitas yang serba minimal dipemukiman mereka.
Ketiga institusi ini mengadakan Kegiatan Yogyakarta Field School atau YKFS, dimana dibagi menjadi 3 bagian, dan siang ini hingga malam nanti berlangsung International conference dan kampung festival yang bertempat di Kampung Samirono, Yogyakarta.
Acara yang diikuti mahasiswa dan dosen dari jurusan anthropologi dan arsitektur ini mencoba memahami secara positif kehidupan masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah di tengah kota dengan segala fasilitas yang serba minimal dipemukiman mereka.
Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009
Dilatarbelakangi kegiatan menyusui bayi sebagai suatu kewajaran dan banyaknya iklan susu bayi serta mengkampanyekan pentingnya inisiasi menyusi dini, siang tadi berlangsung seminar INISIASI MENYUSUI DINI yang bertempat di Rumah Sakit Happy Land, Yogyakarta.
Acara yang kebanyakan dihadiri ibu-ibu ini menghadirkan dr. Arumsari kusuma Dewi, Sp.OG dari RS Happy Land dan dr. setyo wandito, Sp.A sebagai nara sumber.
Diharapkan dengan adanya acara ini masyarakat awam khususnya calon ibu maupun ibu menyusui mengetahui betapa penting Air Susu Ibu untuk perkembangan bayi, tidak hanya selama proses menyusui tapi juga bermanfaat untuk proses berkembang menjadi dewasa.
ARTA, YGK, 4 JULI 2009
Acara yang kebanyakan dihadiri ibu-ibu ini menghadirkan dr. Arumsari kusuma Dewi, Sp.OG dari RS Happy Land dan dr. setyo wandito, Sp.A sebagai nara sumber.
Diharapkan dengan adanya acara ini masyarakat awam khususnya calon ibu maupun ibu menyusui mengetahui betapa penting Air Susu Ibu untuk perkembangan bayi, tidak hanya selama proses menyusui tapi juga bermanfaat untuk proses berkembang menjadi dewasa.
ARTA, YGK, 4 JULI 2009
Sebagai bentuk retrospeksi perjalanan berkesenian selama 20 tahun lebih, Agus suwage menampilkan karya-karya nya yang bertajuk ‘Still Crazy After All These Years’ dari karya sejak tahun 1985-2009, dimana karyanya sudah dikoleksi di sejumlah museum, yaitu di Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Museum of Contemporer Art Tokyo, Canmas World Aer di Belanda, Queensland University of Technology di Australia, dan Singapore Museum.
Pameran yang berlangsung di Jogja National Museum (JNM), Jalan Amri Yahya, Gampingan yogyakarta ini terbukti menjadi kekuatan Agus Suwage ‘dwimatra’ menghidupkan lagi seni rupa yang nyaris diabaikan, yakni ‘drawing’ alias gambar dan instalasi.
Pameran yang akan berlangsung dari tanggal 5 Juli hingga 31 Juli mendatang dan akan dibuka malam ini, sebagai suatu perayaan dari perjalanan berkesenian selama 20 tahun lebih dimana agus suwage akan terus berkarya dengan media apa saja dan dengan ide-ide gilanya.
Artha, YGK, 4 JULI 2009
Pameran yang berlangsung di Jogja National Museum (JNM), Jalan Amri Yahya, Gampingan yogyakarta ini terbukti menjadi kekuatan Agus Suwage ‘dwimatra’ menghidupkan lagi seni rupa yang nyaris diabaikan, yakni ‘drawing’ alias gambar dan instalasi.
Pameran yang akan berlangsung dari tanggal 5 Juli hingga 31 Juli mendatang dan akan dibuka malam ini, sebagai suatu perayaan dari perjalanan berkesenian selama 20 tahun lebih dimana agus suwage akan terus berkarya dengan media apa saja dan dengan ide-ide gilanya.
Artha, YGK, 4 JULI 2009
Menjelang pemilihan presiden yang berlangsung tidak lama lagi, banyak pendapat dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat, salah satunya dengan unjuk rasa yang berlangsung siang tadi oleh Persaudaraan Golongan Putih (GOLPUT) Indonesia dimana Presiden dewan Presidium nasionalnya Sri Bintang Pamungkas,
Acara yang berlangsung damai ini bertempat di perempatan Kantor Pos Besar Yogyakarta dengan disertai penyebaran pamphlet dan stiker,
Selain menyatakan boikot Pemilihan Presiden 2009, unjuk rasa ini juga menyatakan bahwa golput adalah sah, halal, konstitusional, bertanggungjawab, dan pilihan kesadaran karena tidak ada alternative yang bagus untuk bangsa dan Negara.
Artha, YGK, 4 JULI 2009
Acara yang berlangsung damai ini bertempat di perempatan Kantor Pos Besar Yogyakarta dengan disertai penyebaran pamphlet dan stiker,
Selain menyatakan boikot Pemilihan Presiden 2009, unjuk rasa ini juga menyatakan bahwa golput adalah sah, halal, konstitusional, bertanggungjawab, dan pilihan kesadaran karena tidak ada alternative yang bagus untuk bangsa dan Negara.
Artha, YGK, 4 JULI 2009
Puluhan Ribu Pendukung SBY-Boediono Padati Gelora Bung Karno
Jakarta - Puluhan ribu pendukung SBY-Boediono telah memadati stadion Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta. Meski belum semua kursi di tribun terisi, baru sekitar 80 persen, namun gemuruh massa sudah mulai memekakkan telinga.
Sabtu (4/7/2009), massa masih terus membanjiri tribun. Massa yang telah berada di dalam stadion hanya berada di tribun dan tidak diperkenankan turun ke lapangan.
Hal ini untuk mencegah massa menginjak rumput. Ratusan satgas dari masing-masing parpol pendukung SBY-Boediono turut membantu mengamankan lapangan agar tidak dimasuki massa.
Di sepanjang tribun tampak terpampang puluhan atribut bergambar pasangan SBY-Boediono. Sedangkan di pintu 2 terpajang foto SBY berukuran raksasa, sekitar 10x30 meter.
Acara kampanye yang akan diisi orasi politik SBY-Boedino ini dijadwalkan mulai pukul 14.00 WIB. Para artis akan tampil untuk memeriahkan suasana, antara lain Mike Idol, Agnes Monica, dan Iis Dahlia. Selain itu juga akan ditampilkan tarian-tarian dari berbagai daerah.
Sabtu (4/7/2009), massa masih terus membanjiri tribun. Massa yang telah berada di dalam stadion hanya berada di tribun dan tidak diperkenankan turun ke lapangan.
Hal ini untuk mencegah massa menginjak rumput. Ratusan satgas dari masing-masing parpol pendukung SBY-Boediono turut membantu mengamankan lapangan agar tidak dimasuki massa.
Di sepanjang tribun tampak terpampang puluhan atribut bergambar pasangan SBY-Boediono. Sedangkan di pintu 2 terpajang foto SBY berukuran raksasa, sekitar 10x30 meter.
Acara kampanye yang akan diisi orasi politik SBY-Boedino ini dijadwalkan mulai pukul 14.00 WIB. Para artis akan tampil untuk memeriahkan suasana, antara lain Mike Idol, Agnes Monica, dan Iis Dahlia. Selain itu juga akan ditampilkan tarian-tarian dari berbagai daerah.
Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009
Jackson's death
Los Angeles - A day after Michael Jackson died suddenly appear in a question, what is actually making "King of Pop" was killed at the age of 50 years? His death only a week before the lapse of a series of konsernya held.
Family lawyer said on Friday he fears that the use of medicines Jackson, the possibility of dealing with this fatal accident.
Otopsi scheduled on Friday, local time. But they can pick it up in sepekan to determine the cause of the death, the possibility must await results of toxicology tests. From this test will determine whether Jackson's death related to drugs, alcohol or drugs that were already using a prescription.
Jackson, the star of a small music since become one of the pop singer during the period before and many highlighted the behavior and lifestyle as well as a variety of strange allegations italics, such as child molestation. He died Thursday afternoon in Los Angeles hospital.
Now almost all the media news of the world put the death in the front page. Lagu-lagunya that many tune such as "Thriller" to "Billie Jean" much more audible. Are social network sites have dibombardir with messages of condolence and fans and musicians.
"It is sad and surprising," said former personnel The Beatles Paul McCartney. "I have felt a special sense of touch and work with Michael. He was a young boy gifted with a gentle soul. Music will be remembered forever. "
Some of the details known about the condition of Jackson's death the last, he was reportedly unconscious and not breathing when he arrived at UCLA Medical Center.
Lawyer Brian Oxman, a spokesperson for the Jackson family, told the CBS program "The Early Show" on Friday, said that he is concerned about the prescription drugs used Jackson who suffered injuries.
"I have been warned that I can be warned and told them that one day later, Michael Jackson will wake up and die, with the odd road ....," said Oxman. "I just want to hear from toxicology reports and medical information."
In addition, Jackson is also a bad reputation with the debt segunung by The Wall Street Journal is reported to reach $ 500 million. Recently, Jackson has spent the last two months training in London for konsernya, including on Wednesday night, at the Staples Center arena, the enclosure's basketball team Los Angeles Lakers.
Family lawyer said on Friday he fears that the use of medicines Jackson, the possibility of dealing with this fatal accident.
Otopsi scheduled on Friday, local time. But they can pick it up in sepekan to determine the cause of the death, the possibility must await results of toxicology tests. From this test will determine whether Jackson's death related to drugs, alcohol or drugs that were already using a prescription.
Jackson, the star of a small music since become one of the pop singer during the period before and many highlighted the behavior and lifestyle as well as a variety of strange allegations italics, such as child molestation. He died Thursday afternoon in Los Angeles hospital.
Now almost all the media news of the world put the death in the front page. Lagu-lagunya that many tune such as "Thriller" to "Billie Jean" much more audible. Are social network sites have dibombardir with messages of condolence and fans and musicians.
"It is sad and surprising," said former personnel The Beatles Paul McCartney. "I have felt a special sense of touch and work with Michael. He was a young boy gifted with a gentle soul. Music will be remembered forever. "
Some of the details known about the condition of Jackson's death the last, he was reportedly unconscious and not breathing when he arrived at UCLA Medical Center.
Lawyer Brian Oxman, a spokesperson for the Jackson family, told the CBS program "The Early Show" on Friday, said that he is concerned about the prescription drugs used Jackson who suffered injuries.
"I have been warned that I can be warned and told them that one day later, Michael Jackson will wake up and die, with the odd road ....," said Oxman. "I just want to hear from toxicology reports and medical information."
In addition, Jackson is also a bad reputation with the debt segunung by The Wall Street Journal is reported to reach $ 500 million. Recently, Jackson has spent the last two months training in London for konsernya, including on Wednesday night, at the Staples Center arena, the enclosure's basketball team Los Angeles Lakers.
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009
Panca Pesona Batik Tegal
(Jogja-20/06/09) Sebagai sarana untuk memperkenalkan Batik Tegal, siang tadi berlangsung PANCA PESONA BATIK TEGAL atas kerjasama Dewan Kerajinan Nasional Daerah Kota Tegal dengan Paguyuban Pecinta Batik "Sekar Jagad" Yogyakarta.
Dalam acara ini berlangsung peragaan busana yang menampilkan corak batik pesisir, naturis, dan batik dengan tema flora dan fauna dengan warna yang didominasi hijau daun dam biru.
Selain sebagai ajang promosi bagi masyarakat Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, acar ini juga bermaksud untuk membatasi ruang bagi batik cina yang sudah mulai masuk ke Indonesia.
Dalam acara ini berlangsung peragaan busana yang menampilkan corak batik pesisir, naturis, dan batik dengan tema flora dan fauna dengan warna yang didominasi hijau daun dam biru.
Selain sebagai ajang promosi bagi masyarakat Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, acar ini juga bermaksud untuk membatasi ruang bagi batik cina yang sudah mulai masuk ke Indonesia.
Sengketa ambalat
Indonesia telah 35 catatan dari protes ke Malaysia atas Ambalat sejak 1980, tetapi mereka tidak berhenti di provokasi oleh negara tetangga, di Departemen Luar Negeri mengatakan Jumat.
Pemerintah dikirim terbaru catatan protes pada hari Kamis mengikuti beberapa gangguan oleh kapal Malaysia ke wilayah Ambalat yang lebih klaim kedaulatan Indonesia.
"Kami telah catatan protes ke kami mengulangi klaim atas Ambalat dan untuk mengingatkan mereka bahwa kita perlu kembali ke meja diskusi," Teuku Faizasyah, juru bicara dari departemen, kepada wartawan.
Malaysia telah menolak melanggar kedaulatan Indonesia, katanya Ambalat merupakan wilayah sengketa. Isu yang dibangkitkan lagi ketegangan antara kedua negara-negara mitra yang telah marred oleh sinisme dan stereotip.
Pemerintah dikirim terbaru catatan protes pada hari Kamis mengikuti beberapa gangguan oleh kapal Malaysia ke wilayah Ambalat yang lebih klaim kedaulatan Indonesia.
"Kami telah catatan protes ke kami mengulangi klaim atas Ambalat dan untuk mengingatkan mereka bahwa kita perlu kembali ke meja diskusi," Teuku Faizasyah, juru bicara dari departemen, kepada wartawan.
Malaysia telah menolak melanggar kedaulatan Indonesia, katanya Ambalat merupakan wilayah sengketa. Isu yang dibangkitkan lagi ketegangan antara kedua negara-negara mitra yang telah marred oleh sinisme dan stereotip.
Rabu, 17 Juni 2009
Since 1997, almost 1000 Penambang died in the Same Area
Mine explosion that caused many victims in the area of the soul bubbling Hill, V Nagari Koto, Koto District VII, Sijunjung regency, West Sumatra (Sumatra) was not new this time it happened. Even since 1997, is estimated to have killed almost 1000 penambang for various reasons in the area.
The victim this time was the biggest. However, events such as this is not the first in the area. Since 1997, nearly 1000 people died penambang with the same cause, that is, workers who do not meet the qualifications and equipment that does not meet the standards of safe mining. The amount of sacrifice of the soul that can be asked in the surrounding communities.
Mining done by the society is very high risk. This is due to the lack of knowledge and the tools used penambang. Moreover, the penambang it's doing in the alley to create up to 300 meters into the ground.
Although almost every week there is always the soul of the victim, but people did not report them nearly on the authorities. Once the victims have died, and they attempt to hide them in a family. The goal is clearly to avoid action from the authorities and the mining activity still takes place there.
Metan gas explosion has occurred because of violations that do pengelalola mine workers and the people. Sawahlunto city government in December have been reminded that there is increased gas metan measure up to 2 percent which is very dangerous for mining activities but not diacuhkan. Local government must immediately stop the mining community there. In addition to dangerous mining area was also occupied countries.
The victim this time was the biggest. However, events such as this is not the first in the area. Since 1997, nearly 1000 people died penambang with the same cause, that is, workers who do not meet the qualifications and equipment that does not meet the standards of safe mining. The amount of sacrifice of the soul that can be asked in the surrounding communities.
Mining done by the society is very high risk. This is due to the lack of knowledge and the tools used penambang. Moreover, the penambang it's doing in the alley to create up to 300 meters into the ground.
Although almost every week there is always the soul of the victim, but people did not report them nearly on the authorities. Once the victims have died, and they attempt to hide them in a family. The goal is clearly to avoid action from the authorities and the mining activity still takes place there.
Metan gas explosion has occurred because of violations that do pengelalola mine workers and the people. Sawahlunto city government in December have been reminded that there is increased gas metan measure up to 2 percent which is very dangerous for mining activities but not diacuhkan. Local government must immediately stop the mining community there. In addition to dangerous mining area was also occupied countries.
That each is based on a resurrection of the nation surely initiated by youth and the role and responsibility of energy as the nation continues to penetrate into the youth themselves to student independence indeed received by this nation, the day before national dialogue held with the theme "Role Ormawa UNY commemorate the Future in Indonesia the bright "which was held In the Department of the Executive Board of Student Negri REMA UNY.
Events that bring warlord Among Margono, SE (Head of Staff Navy RI), Drs. Masykur (mass organizations Kasubdit Facility Negri Directorate General of Foreign Ministry Kesbangpol RI) as the speakers and Ristyono Buyung (LMT TRUSTCO trainer) who will portray this character education training at the Faculty of Engineering Building KPLT UNY.
It is expected that the event is to build the nation's awareness of the inherent character of youth especially in the management of ORMAWA UNY.
YGK, 6 JUNI 2009
Events that bring warlord Among Margono, SE (Head of Staff Navy RI), Drs. Masykur (mass organizations Kasubdit Facility Negri Directorate General of Foreign Ministry Kesbangpol RI) as the speakers and Ristyono Buyung (LMT TRUSTCO trainer) who will portray this character education training at the Faculty of Engineering Building KPLT UNY.
It is expected that the event is to build the nation's awareness of the inherent character of youth especially in the management of ORMAWA UNY.
YGK, 6 JUNI 2009
Launching the book a bottle of water
Based works of art are born of niche-niche that can not be denied and the entity is at once understandable work or personal travel and menafikan odyssey bathin, the night before take a bottle of Sea Launching the book "prose and drawings that terangkum" paper Enjun Junaidi Attar.
This book is the work of manifestation of the turbulence, where the totality themselves and have worked for the paper itself without hope will become something, but something that is born by itself and it is very natural / plain may even wagu.
In addition to launching Book, the event is held in the Library pendopo paper, yogyakarta Bintaran also bring artists Buyung mentari, Joseph Praba, fairuzul Mumtaz, Yulwhinar E Saputra, Ditya Manggala Kedung Dharma and Romansha with karya2nya.
This book is the work of manifestation of the turbulence, where the totality themselves and have worked for the paper itself without hope will become something, but something that is born by itself and it is very natural / plain may even wagu.
In addition to launching Book, the event is held in the Library pendopo paper, yogyakarta Bintaran also bring artists Buyung mentari, Joseph Praba, fairuzul Mumtaz, Yulwhinar E Saputra, Ditya Manggala Kedung Dharma and Romansha with karya2nya.
Seminar to the entrepreneur indonesia 2020
Based one of the alternative strategies considered to be the improvement of people with Indonesia to encourage individuals in Indonesia / especially the younger generation to take a role in the independence and creativity row, held the day before the seminar and Gathering with crown "Seminar to the Republic of Indonesia in 2020 with the Entrepreneur."
Events that take place in Building 8 unit complex Kepatihan jl. Malioboro Yogyakarta, discusses the 5 key elements that can be invited to collectively encourage the entrepreneur to become the nation's economic strength of the government, banks, financial institutions, educational institutions and institutions which support MSMEs this event hosted by the Entrepreneur of the Republic of the local government in cooperation with the Province of DIY, frontier indonesia, jogja forum area of SMEs and TDA Joglo Community.
In a seminar explain the various programs and facilities held by the government, to be used by the micro, small and medium enterprises are expected to be able to realize advanced nations of Indonesia, independent and sovereign.
Events that take place in Building 8 unit complex Kepatihan jl. Malioboro Yogyakarta, discusses the 5 key elements that can be invited to collectively encourage the entrepreneur to become the nation's economic strength of the government, banks, financial institutions, educational institutions and institutions which support MSMEs this event hosted by the Entrepreneur of the Republic of the local government in cooperation with the Province of DIY, frontier indonesia, jogja forum area of SMEs and TDA Joglo Community.
In a seminar explain the various programs and facilities held by the government, to be used by the micro, small and medium enterprises are expected to be able to realize advanced nations of Indonesia, independent and sovereign.
Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009
Climbing Mount Lawu Diperketat
Surakarta, Granting permission and supervision to climb Mount Lawu, Karanganyar, Central Java, at this time diperketat by local kabupaten governments in relation to the weather the less are going of late.
Due to heavy rain and windstorm that often lately, Pemkab Karanganyar strengthen the supervision and permission for the climber to climb Mount Lawu.
Pengetatan also be done during the dry season with the goal of preventing the occurrence of fires in the forest area in the mountain. In addition to the climber is also expected to follow the rules and always be careful when climbing. Do not carelessly discard cigarette butt or burn grass or ilalang. This can be dangerous because it can cause a fire.
Due to heavy rain and windstorm that often lately, Pemkab Karanganyar strengthen the supervision and permission for the climber to climb Mount Lawu.
Pengetatan also be done during the dry season with the goal of preventing the occurrence of fires in the forest area in the mountain. In addition to the climber is also expected to follow the rules and always be careful when climbing. Do not carelessly discard cigarette butt or burn grass or ilalang. This can be dangerous because it can cause a fire.
Anjas: bring MU Make Learning
Jakarta - Coming English club Manchester United to Jakarta and learning should be expected to show the stars in the new persepakbolaan Indonesia, said the former national team players Anjas Asmara.
"MU Semaksimalnya arrival should be learning. We expect to show the stars in the new persepakbolaan Indonesia," said Anjas Asmara in Jakarta on Friday.
MU akan compete in Jakarta on July 20 against Brazil All Stars team that the material selected by the community.
Anjas highlights the achievements of Indonesian football is far behind compared to other countries, even compared with countries in Southeast Asia. That Indonesia has been under the Thailand, Vietnam, to make people very disappointed.
Anjas and the contemporary Suaib Rizal and had strengthened the national team in the era of the 1970s level persepakbolaan Indonesia during the jayanya at once with Manchester United (MU).
"Level Indonesia that is the first level MU. We play rock resistant. For now this is the attitude patriot who lost among the players. We have even under the Thailand and Vietnam," he said.
Weaknesses that must be addressed, he added, is the technical ability of the individual players at this point where he sees no trainers who train intensely so, but only to the more focused strategy game.
"With the MU terkatrol they should be here to provide technical training," please Anjas which strengthen Indonesia skuad Timnas equilibration time holding MU 0-0 in Jakarta in 1975.
Anjas football Indonesia reveal concerns at this time because rarely compete with the big teams from abroad. With the different time, often Timnas menjajal teams in the big SUGBK even Timnas never faced Brazil and Uruguay have also beat 2-1 to access where he score one.
Quality Timnas era in the 1970s is not far different from the teams outside the country of origin did not cause Timnas minder let alone fear. It also supported the presence of a coach-trainer who has many distinguished experience in the international stage.
Anjas play as a left full-time Timnas strengthened by Roni Paslah, Iswadi Idris, Junaidi Abdilah, Andi Lala, Nobon Kamayudin, Oyong Liza and Sutan Harahara, see only a few players of a high bertalenta at this time.
"What I see now, Boaz Salossa, Bambang Pamungkas, Firman Utina such good players. Society smarter rate," he said.
"MU Semaksimalnya arrival should be learning. We expect to show the stars in the new persepakbolaan Indonesia," said Anjas Asmara in Jakarta on Friday.
MU akan compete in Jakarta on July 20 against Brazil All Stars team that the material selected by the community.
Anjas highlights the achievements of Indonesian football is far behind compared to other countries, even compared with countries in Southeast Asia. That Indonesia has been under the Thailand, Vietnam, to make people very disappointed.
Anjas and the contemporary Suaib Rizal and had strengthened the national team in the era of the 1970s level persepakbolaan Indonesia during the jayanya at once with Manchester United (MU).
"Level Indonesia that is the first level MU. We play rock resistant. For now this is the attitude patriot who lost among the players. We have even under the Thailand and Vietnam," he said.
Weaknesses that must be addressed, he added, is the technical ability of the individual players at this point where he sees no trainers who train intensely so, but only to the more focused strategy game.
"With the MU terkatrol they should be here to provide technical training," please Anjas which strengthen Indonesia skuad Timnas equilibration time holding MU 0-0 in Jakarta in 1975.
Anjas football Indonesia reveal concerns at this time because rarely compete with the big teams from abroad. With the different time, often Timnas menjajal teams in the big SUGBK even Timnas never faced Brazil and Uruguay have also beat 2-1 to access where he score one.
Quality Timnas era in the 1970s is not far different from the teams outside the country of origin did not cause Timnas minder let alone fear. It also supported the presence of a coach-trainer who has many distinguished experience in the international stage.
Anjas play as a left full-time Timnas strengthened by Roni Paslah, Iswadi Idris, Junaidi Abdilah, Andi Lala, Nobon Kamayudin, Oyong Liza and Sutan Harahara, see only a few players of a high bertalenta at this time.
"What I see now, Boaz Salossa, Bambang Pamungkas, Firman Utina such good players. Society smarter rate," he said.
Kaka : Ronaldo Nice Move to Real Madrid
Johannesburg - Stars Brazil, Kaka, stated on transferal feeling happy in the near future Cristiano Ronaldo from Manchester United to join Real Madrid in the behavior.
Although the bid 94 million euros (130 million U.S. dollars) to solve the world record for the Portugal star was the news about the removals Kaka to Real Madrid, the age of 27 years says that the news does not have a problem that distract attention from it.
"I feel happy on the emigration Cristiano," said the former AC Milan star said to Arriving in Johannesburg, where Brazil will defend the title Confederation Cup.
"I do not want to talk more about this issue, because I am here with the Selecao and we are only thinking about the sweep Confederation Cup.
"But, there is no doubt that Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the best players in the world and he will help struggling Real Madrid snatch the title every season to come."
Kaka signed a six-year contract with Spanish club giants for the transfer of the reported 65 million euro early this month.
This makes it as the second most expensive, after the great French player, Zinedine Zidane, who moved to Real Madrid with the transfer of 75 million euros in 2001, until Ronaldo encouraged to third position.
Ronaldo has long become incaran Real Madrid and the club president, Florentino Perez, recently wanted to re-build a team to compete with Barcelona in the domestic league and, like Manchester United and Chelsea in the Champions League fight.
News / AFP
Although the bid 94 million euros (130 million U.S. dollars) to solve the world record for the Portugal star was the news about the removals Kaka to Real Madrid, the age of 27 years says that the news does not have a problem that distract attention from it.
"I feel happy on the emigration Cristiano," said the former AC Milan star said to Arriving in Johannesburg, where Brazil will defend the title Confederation Cup.
"I do not want to talk more about this issue, because I am here with the Selecao and we are only thinking about the sweep Confederation Cup.
"But, there is no doubt that Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the best players in the world and he will help struggling Real Madrid snatch the title every season to come."
Kaka signed a six-year contract with Spanish club giants for the transfer of the reported 65 million euro early this month.
This makes it as the second most expensive, after the great French player, Zinedine Zidane, who moved to Real Madrid with the transfer of 75 million euros in 2001, until Ronaldo encouraged to third position.
Ronaldo has long become incaran Real Madrid and the club president, Florentino Perez, recently wanted to re-build a team to compete with Barcelona in the domestic league and, like Manchester United and Chelsea in the Champions League fight.
News / AFP
Greysia / Nitya to Final For first
Jakarta - Double daughter Greysia Polii / Nitya Krishinda reach their first final after reaching the semifinal victory in the Singapore Open Super Series at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, Saturday, top pair Kamilla Rytter Juhl / Lena Fier Kristiansen.
Was behind 17-20 in the game opener, Greysia / Nitya play tolerate gempuran Denmark ungulan eight couples who eventually make many mistakes so the Indonesian pair 22-20 for a victory.
In the second game, Greysia / Nitya race to lead 12-4 and not terkejar again to win the match with the score 21-12 at the same time a place in the final.
"Yes this their first final," said coach ganda putri Aryono Miranat the pair formed after the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.
In the final, Greysia / Nitya akan meet other semifinal winner between the three eminent Ha Jung Eun / Kim Min Jung from the Korean origin with excellent fifth China Zhang Yawen / Zhao Tingting who was not.
Meanwhile, the excellent mix of top ganda Nova Widianto / Liliyana Natsir failed to reach the final tournament berhadiah total 200,000 U.S. dollars even though it had a lead in the second game.
In the semifinal, Nova / Liliyana lost two straight games 20-22, 20-22 pair from China, the excellent sixth Xie Zhongbo / Zhang Yawen.
Nova / Liliyana failed to reach number one jockey for the first game after leading 20-18, when the Chinese pair four digits beruntun win game for the opener.
The same thing happened again in the second game, when the Chinese pair grab the last four digits at 18-20 behind to close the match.
Nova says, is actually the second pair appear bad, just ganda China is more fortunate than he and a partner years ago to become champion.
"Today, we play poorly, they are ugly, only the last points we rush too so even death itself," Nova said after the match.
Indonesia semifinalis still have one other, ie, ganda putra Markis Kido / Hendra Setiawan will compete in the last party.
Was behind 17-20 in the game opener, Greysia / Nitya play tolerate gempuran Denmark ungulan eight couples who eventually make many mistakes so the Indonesian pair 22-20 for a victory.
In the second game, Greysia / Nitya race to lead 12-4 and not terkejar again to win the match with the score 21-12 at the same time a place in the final.
"Yes this their first final," said coach ganda putri Aryono Miranat the pair formed after the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.
In the final, Greysia / Nitya akan meet other semifinal winner between the three eminent Ha Jung Eun / Kim Min Jung from the Korean origin with excellent fifth China Zhang Yawen / Zhao Tingting who was not.
Meanwhile, the excellent mix of top ganda Nova Widianto / Liliyana Natsir failed to reach the final tournament berhadiah total 200,000 U.S. dollars even though it had a lead in the second game.
In the semifinal, Nova / Liliyana lost two straight games 20-22, 20-22 pair from China, the excellent sixth Xie Zhongbo / Zhang Yawen.
Nova / Liliyana failed to reach number one jockey for the first game after leading 20-18, when the Chinese pair four digits beruntun win game for the opener.
The same thing happened again in the second game, when the Chinese pair grab the last four digits at 18-20 behind to close the match.
Nova says, is actually the second pair appear bad, just ganda China is more fortunate than he and a partner years ago to become champion.
"Today, we play poorly, they are ugly, only the last points we rush too so even death itself," Nova said after the match.
Indonesia semifinalis still have one other, ie, ganda putra Markis Kido / Hendra Setiawan will compete in the last party.
SBY: Must Enjoy People's Property Area
Kendari - Repairs spatial infrastructure facilities and increase the program into one of the government of SBY two periods later. With spatial and better facilities, could encourage regional economic development potential.
"If this layout we better governance and the overlapping since a dozen years ago we fix, then the wealth of gold, nickel and asphalt in the area can continue to grow," said SBY in the campaign in the GOR koni, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Saturday (13 / 6 / 2009).
According to SBY, spatial problems so one of the major regional economic development potential. Due to the spatial overlap and are not clear, local residents can not make use of natural resources in the surrounding areas for improving welfare
So that the potential benefit, it should be supported by infrastructure facilities such as ports, electricity, airports and roads. Efforts to further develop in the economic area is to encourage
prospective investors are willing to try in the region.
Once investors enter, which is the next agenda is community involvement in economic activities take place. So that the economic potential can be fair and equitable is not perceived by
entrepreneurs, but also citizens.
"But with the note does not prevent pemdanya. If there are tender and the tender is true, do not have KKN. Provide the same opportunity in their attempt. So for the sake of the people, not the be-hinder, and do not have private interests, be-developed areas can not we , "SBY row.
"If this layout we better governance and the overlapping since a dozen years ago we fix, then the wealth of gold, nickel and asphalt in the area can continue to grow," said SBY in the campaign in the GOR koni, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Saturday (13 / 6 / 2009).
According to SBY, spatial problems so one of the major regional economic development potential. Due to the spatial overlap and are not clear, local residents can not make use of natural resources in the surrounding areas for improving welfare
So that the potential benefit, it should be supported by infrastructure facilities such as ports, electricity, airports and roads. Efforts to further develop in the economic area is to encourage
prospective investors are willing to try in the region.
Once investors enter, which is the next agenda is community involvement in economic activities take place. So that the economic potential can be fair and equitable is not perceived by
entrepreneurs, but also citizens.
"But with the note does not prevent pemdanya. If there are tender and the tender is true, do not have KKN. Provide the same opportunity in their attempt. So for the sake of the people, not the be-hinder, and do not have private interests, be-developed areas can not we , "SBY row.
Dicuekin SBY, father to David Hartanto Ngadu Prabowo
Jakarta - Family David Hartanto Widjaja, students who died in the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, that do not get a positive response from Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). Father David, Hartono Widjaja, also denounce the death of her son who is not reasonable to cawapres Prabowo Subianto. "There is no comment from the least Pak SBY. Manohara The case, as there are instances, direct direspons," Hartono suspire in dialogue and face-to-face with Prabowo Forum Demokrasi Kebangsaan Society Chinese Restaurants in Fishers, Ancol, North Jakarta, Saturday (13 / 6 / 2009). In that opportunity, the results also show Hartono otopsi David corpse and deliver proof of the death of David gaffe, which had previously made suicide by local media. Hartono menuturkan, many find themselves many Singapore government intervention when witnessing the way in the trial of coronary lion is. "Maybe, if there are comments from the Pak SBY court can do justice," said Hartono is still visible is very sad. Hear complaints Hartono, Prabowo also claim to follow the news and participated in David concern over the death of the child according to him a nation that is very brilliant. "I'm concerned if the government less attention," said Megawati cawapres it. Prabowo said, sometimes the relationship antarpemerintah hide cases of citizens who have problems overseas. "India should treat the son of the brilliant daughter of the nation like this. This asset to the resurrection of the nation," says Prabowo diisukan of students who died were killed because of that finding would seized. | ||
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